释义 |
1 ?枭 ... bird of ill omen n. 带来坏消息的鸟或人 bird of night 枭, 猫头鹰 bird of paradise 极乐鸟 ...
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And as the road swooped low, pitched and plunged, I felt an exhilarating wildness in my veins - like a swallow, like a mistle thrush, like a bird of spring, buffeted by the sweet night air. 随着道路下坡俯冲,斜坡或是陡坡,我感觉血管中流淌着令人振奋的狂野——像燕子、像槲鸫、像春天的小鸟,夜晚甜蜜醉人的微风不断地吹拂着我。 - 2
Measures include weighting lines so they sink quickly and do not entice birds, setting lines at night, and setting off bird-scaring lines - made up of multi-coloured streamers to startle seabirds. 可以挽救信天翁的方法包括加重延绳钓线的重量,使它们可以迅速下沉而不会缠住鸟儿;在夜晚布钓线或在钓线上加上彩带惊吓鸟儿,使其不敢靠近等。 - 3
At sunset it folded its petals, and fell asleep, and dreamt all night of the sun and the little bird. 黄昏时它合拢花瓣沉睡了,整夜梦着太阳,梦着那只小鸟。