...知 分享到 | 下载PDF阅读器 doi: 摘要: 介绍了基于直流系统电磁暂态(electro-magnetic transient in DC system,EMTDC)建立的直流输电控制系统,该控制系统两侧均有定电压控制器,可通过调整直流电压参考值实现直流系统的降压运..
...网 lectromagnetic transient program,EMTP)中的直流系统电磁暂态仿 真程序(electro-magnetic transient in DC system, EMTDC)用于分析谐波问题,但其建模复杂,步长 一般为10~100 μs,不适于分析复杂的交直流混联电 网。
The three-phase asynchronous induction motor models in EMTDC are deduced and the solution algorithms of induction motor transient process are introduced.
The principle and control strategy of the proposed converter are described. Its operational feasibility is also verified by digital simulation using the PSCAD/EMTDC package.
Finally, the unbalanced current in Shenzhen power grid is reproduced by simulation with EMTDC. Based on conclusions of earlier studies, a solution is proposed and it is proved by simulation.