释义 |
1 ?燕卜荪 ...分既搞理论又搞创作:艾略特(Eliot)作为诗人比 作为理论家更为重要;瑞恰兹( Richards )是诗人兼剧作家; 燕卜荪 ( Empson )的诗被受李维斯推崇;兰色姆( Ransom )与退特 (Tate)的诗歌创作很有特色;沃伦(Warren )是小说家兼诗人,他的 小说All the... 2 ?燕卜逊 第二,多依据朱自清对瑞恰慈(I.A.Richards)、燕卜逊(Empson)文学批评方法的借鉴,将其鉴赏实践归结为西方批评理论与传统诗学修养的结合。
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William Empson, in the book of Seven Types of Ambiguity, first makes a research in the ambiguity of semantics. 燕卜荪的《复义七型》是第一部将语义学中的“复义”问题专门提出来进行研究的著作。 - 2
At bottom, Empson doesn't really settle into the rigorous consideration of the author, the text, or the reader as if they were separate functions. 实际上,Empson并不会,仔细考虑作者,文本,读者这些因素,就好像他们各有功能一样。 - 3
The last chapter of Seven Types of Ambiguity, his seventh ambiguity, is actually, as Empson said, about "some fundamental division in the writer's mind." 在《朦胧的七种类型》的最后一章,第七种朦胧,Empson提到,“作者思维的本质区别