... 名字: Pennyfather 姓: Ferne 标签: Ferne Pennyfather ...
... 远动 Telemetrie 远国 Ferne 远海捕捞业 Hochseefischerei ...
... 标签: Linda Tacey 地址说明: St 街道地址: Ferne ...
远方 ; 远处 ; 将来
在远方 ; 远方
Dover District Council approved the new visitor centre at the National Memorial to the Few at Capel-le-Ferne.
BBC: 'Spitfire' building at Capel-le-Ferne approved
The Battle of Britain Memorial Trust wants to build a "living history" visitor attraction in Cape-le-Ferne, near Folkestone, in Kent.
BBC: Centre to Battle of Britain pilots planned in Kent
His name is commemorated on the Christopher Foxley-Norris wall at the National Memorial to the Few at Capel-le-Ferne, between Dover and Folkestone.
BBC: Robert HB Fraser