但是,对待“敦刻尔克”,英国人和法国人的语境毕竟是不同的,前者是“敦刻尔克大撤退(Dunkirk Evacuation)”,后者是“敦刻尔克战役(Bataile de Dunkerque)”,也就是说在法国人眼中,这里曾发生过一场战斗,虽败犹荣的战斗。
The fast-paced story plays out against the evacuation of Dunkirk and wartime Britain.
BBC: McEwan: Enduring talent
The aircraft, which featured a gun turret, rather than forward-facing armaments, saw action in the the evacuation of Dunkirk and during the Battle of Britain.
BBC: Wolverhampton volunteers bid farewell to P82 Defiant
The cliffs were further embedded in the national psyche during World War II following the evacuation of troops from Dunkirk and Dame Vera Lynn's famous song, The White Cliffs of Dover.
BBC: White cliffs of Dover get writer in residence