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农业科学 桉树 Three significant difference stage of nutrient uptake of Eucalyptus during one rotation could be divided.3. 在一个轮伐期内桉树养分吸收明显呈3个时段。 按树 The soluble sugar also were enhanced under low temperature, but during 0~3℃of soluble sugar was related to the cold-hardiness of Eucalyptus.3. Low temperature have significant effect on metabolize index ofEucalyptus seedling. 低温胁迫对按树幼苗的代谢指标影响显著。 桉属 There is 187 million ha planted forest in the world,pine and eucalyptus are the main species in plantation. Some foreign countries have gained 60%93% industrial product from 1.2%16% plantation area. 现在全世界大约有18 700万hm2的人工林,松属和桉属树种仍然是人工林中最普遍种植的树种,国外林业先进国家只用了1.2%16%的人工林面积比重取得了60%93%比率工业林产品。
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Highly coconut trees and stunted palm trees may be found in dune areas of western part of the town. Other trees include tamarisks, eucalyptuses, pines and opuntias. 城市西部的海滨沙丘有高大的椰枣树和低矮的棕榈树,其他树种包括撑柳、桉树、松树和仙人掌属植物。