这家邓弗里斯和加洛韦(Dumfries and Galloway)旅馆提供全套苏格兰早餐。 每间客房都设有一台平面电视、衣柜、沏茶/咖啡设施、瓶装水和巧克力。
11:05重新发车离开了结婚胜地Gretna Green小镇也离开了Dumfries and Galloway(邓弗里斯-加洛韦)区也就是离开了苏格兰进入了英格兰的Cumbria(坎布里亚)郡境内。
... dumbartonshire 丹巴顿郡 dumfries and galloway 邓弗里斯盖洛韦 dumfries-shire 敦夫里斯郡 ...
航班飞至 苏格兰 丹弗里斯-加洛韦(Dumfries and Galloway)的 洛克比上空时,前货舱一个重340至450克的塑胶炸弹爆炸令飞机一分为二后坠毁。机上259人全部罹难,亦造成地面11人死亡。
The 11-turbine project had been rejected by Dumfries and Galloway Council due to landscape concerns.
BBC: RES Glenchamber wind farm condition changes debated
It equates to about one in every eight employees with the Dumfries and Galloway authority.
BBC: 1,000 staff consider Dumfries and Galloway Council exit
Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary said the scheme would strengthen safeguards which were already in place.
BBC: Child and mother