释义 |
empiricism 英/ ?m?p?r?s?z?m / 美/ ?m?p?r?s?z?m / - 1
哲学 经验主义 Because whether rationalism or empiricism, as a kind of epistemology, its original aim was to pursue the way of understanding the world. 因为不论是理性主义还是经验主义,作为一种认识论的理论,原本的宗旨都在于探求认识世界的途径和方法。 经验论 His life was devoted to introducing and disseminating logical empiricism and scientific spirit. 他的一生热忱地介绍传播逻辑经验论思想和科学精神。
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法学 经验主义 实证 Chapter Two,from the perspective of theory and practice,analyzes the necessity and empiricism of NSRFMA legal system. 第二章从理论和实务的角度对外资并购国家安全审查法律制度进行了必要性分析和实证分析。
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自然科学 经验论 We may say that the concept of "Empirically Adequacy" is the core of the "Constructive Empiricism". 可以说,“经验充分性”是整个建构经验论的核心所在。
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