Their journey was performed without much conversation, or any alarm; and within four hours of their leaving Hunsford, they reached Mr. Gardiner's house, where they were to remain a few days.
In the rich world a ratio of more than four would sound alarm bells; in other Asian countries prices are typically 5-7 times income.
在发达国家高于4倍的比例足以引起警戒;在其他亚洲国家比较典型的数据是5 - 7倍。
Underscoring their alarm, members of the Mekong River commission completed a four-day summit in Thailand on Monday; it was the first such meeting in the commission's 15-year history.
为了强调这一状态的紧急性,湄公河委员会(Mekong River Commission)的成员周一在泰国举行了为期四天的峰会。这是该委员会成立15年来首次举办此类峰会。