释义 |
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On the video screen a woman is hurrying alone along the same road, "sniper alley", clutching shopping bags. She ducks into a doorway as the sound of bullets smacks out from the ridge above. 在录像屏幕上一个女人手里拿着购物袋匆忙地在同一条路上行走,这里曾经是“狙击手之路”,当她躲进一处门廊时,从山脊上传来了枪声。 - 2
By the end of the workshop, out walk half a dozen ducks waiting to turn into swans, ready for lunch. - 3
The purpose of these ducks, as laid out by all previous climbers, was to save a mile or two of wandering around in the immense valley. 这些<鸭子>的用途是,全是先前登山者陈设的,用以在这广大的山谷徘徊时节省脚程的。