释义 |
1 ?现存制成品 ... 制成品 制成品 Konsumgut 现存制成品 finished goods on hand 国内制成品 domestic end product ...
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Similarly, if a manufacturer's processing of an order for finished goods causes its stock on hand to drop below a minimum threshold level, it launches a production run. 类似地,如果制造商对成品定单的处理导致它的现有库存低于最小阈值级别,那么它启动生产运行。 - 2
Inventory; inventories Raw materials and supplies, goods finished and being manufactured and stock on hand, in transit, in storage or consigned to others at the end of the accounting period. 在会计期末持有的原料和供应物资、制成品和在制品、手头存货、转运中的货物、库存或委托他人代销的货物等。 - 3
On the other hand, it transports intermediate products to other producers for use in their production process, or ship the finished goods to the hands of customers. 另一方面,将中间产品运到其他厂商供生产使用或把制成品运到消费者手中。