The Z-9B variant features a modified 11-blade Fenestron faired-in tail rotor with wider-chord, all-composite blades instead of 13 all-metal blades as in as 365n1.
Z - 9b型特点是一个改进11浆叶涵道尾桨,减阻内置螺旋浆采用宽弦、全-复合浆叶而不是像在AS 365n1型中的13片全-金属浆叶。
Like the Z-9B, the Z-9C also features a modified 11-blade Fenestron faired-in tail rotor with wider-chord, all-composite blades instead of 13 all-metal blades as in as 365n1.
如同Z - 9b, Z - 9c也具有的特征是一个改进11浆叶涵道减阻内置尾螺旋浆,采用宽弦全复合浆叶而不是像AD 365n1型一样的13片全-金属浆叶。