...on),戴利奥基金(Dalio Foundation),达美航空(Delta Air Lines),嘉能可国际(Glencore)和易安信公司(EMC Corporation),该项目还获得了新增捐助者的资金承诺,如博世(Bosch),陶氏化学(Dow Chemical Company)和惠而浦公司(Whirlpool Corporati...
Reeny Sondhi (EMCCorporation) gave an overview of the vulnerability response program they use in her organization.
Reeny Sondhi(EMC公司)也对她的公司中所使用的缺陷响应程序做了概述。
For example, in a single month, EMCCorporation announced an IPO for VMware, Citrix Systems announced plans to purchase XenSource, and new virtualization start-ups appeared out of nowhere.
Established in 1981, Equipment Manufacturing Corporation (EMC) is committed to building the highest quality waste water evaporators and aqueous parts washers.