释义 |
1 ?女性 江左夷吾 世说新语 帮忙翻译一下,急急急,高分! 要详细正确的!_学习问答 关键词:聊斋志异 女性 形象 妇女观 [gap=1050]Keywords: Romance of Fairy Fox, Feminie, Imagine, View on women
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Therefore, you can only face the pretty, beautiful and gorgeous feminie. - 2
Analyzed the origin reason of Japanese feminie words, and compared its pronunciation, intonation, syntax and style to that of male words. 日语中的“女性语”无论在语音、语调还是用词、文体等方面都与男性用语存在很大的差异。 - 3
It provide basis for the feasibility of Chiniese medical science treating on Feminie acne vulgaris and can be widely used in the clinical diagnosis. 本研究旨在观察疏肝健脾、调摄冲任法治疗女性寻常痤疮的临床疗效。