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ethnography of communication - 沟通民族志:在特定文化或言语社群的社会和文化实践以及成员信仰的更广泛背景下,对沟通进行分析的一种方法。
1 ?传播人种学 当代媒介研究的人种学视野 - 智维网 关键词 :传播人种学;大众媒介;现代性;主导群体[gap=6545]Key words: ethnography of communication, mass media, modernity, leading colony 2 ?传播民族志 论文:空白票据制度研究-中大网校论文网 关键词]民族志 文化人类学 传播民族志 研究方法 [gap=1098]Keywords: Ethnography, Culture Anthropology, Ethnography of Communication, Research Method 3 ?传播的民族志 传播的民族志(ethnography of communication)是从文化人类学及语言学中演化而来的传播学的一门新分支,在此,阐释者试图理解的是某一文化或群体成员所采用的传播方式。总. 4 ?志学 交际民族志学(ethnography of communication)与互动社会语言学(interactional sociolinguistics)作为社会语言学的两大分支,对语境研究同样做出了卓著的贡献。
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The ethnography of communication refers to the study of the individual's communicative ability in the social setting. - 2
Chapter One is the literature review, in which the related theory such as communicative competence and the ethnography of communication is introduced. 本文第一章是文献回顾,介绍了与道歉语研究相关的理论知识。 - 3
Since then, the method of ethnography has been transferred from the cramming of social facts to the interpretation and communication of symbolic meanings. 因此民族志的方法就从社会事实的罗列转变为象征意义的解释和交流。