释义 |
dualism 英/ ?dju??l?z?m / 美/ ?du??l?z?m / - 1
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文学 二元论 Therefore, this thesis follows the line of stylistic monism rather than stylistic dualism or ’pluralism’. 因此,本文沿用的是文体一元论,而非文体二元论或“多元论”的观点。 二元对立 It is a clear illustration of dualism, a coexistence of oppositions. 这便是对二元对立的极好说明,对立的共存。 双重性 The innovation of this essay is to systematize Bakhtin’s dualism in his novel theory. 对巴赫金小说哲学双重性思想的系统梳理是本文的重要创新之处。 二重性 Both the social factors and individual reasons led to the dualism in Fang yurun's study on The Book of Songs. Generally speaking, Fang yurun brung a fresh vigor to the study on The Book of Songs duiring his time. 这种二重性的出现既有社会因素的影响,也有方玉润个人的原因。
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经济学 二重性 This dualism is basis and conditions of development and progress of human society. 生产与消费的二重性是人类社会发展进步的基础和条件。 二元性 The paper get by comparative analusis the level of economic development, which the same nations who dwell at differ area, and different nationalities. It conclude that the representation and character of dualism about regional development and development of national economy. 论文通过同一民族不同地区经济发展水平以及不同民族彼此之间经济发展水平的对比分析,归纳总结了区域开发与民族经济发展二元性的表现形式及其特征。
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All these are dualisms that come up in sort of popular Platonizing rhetoric of the time. 所有这些二元论,都是出自当时某种流行的柏拉图修辞。 - 2
Section III, the author summarized Kelsen's criticisms of the traditional dualisms of law and state. - 3
There's dualisms, and especially a light/darkness dualism male/female dualism and a soul/body dualism; we've already seen that. 二元性,尤其是光明与黑暗的二元性,男人与女人的二元性,以及灵与肉的二元性,我们已经读过。