释义 |
- abbr.数据集(Data Set);数据段寄存器(Data Segment);数据同步(Data Synchronization);隔离开关(Disconnecting Switch)
1 ?糖尿病自我效能量表 ③糖尿病自我效能量表(DSES),由王瑕璇等设 计,有良好的效度和信度,量表包括饮食,运动,药物, 血糖检测,足部护理及高低血糖处理,共由26 个条目 构成,... 2 ?体育与运动科学文凭课程 ...? 工程基础课程(CEP) (3)体育、保健与休闲系 School of Sports, Health and Leisure ???????? 体育与运动科学文凭课程(DSES) ???????? 体育与休闲管理文凭课程(DSLM) ???????? 综合活动管理文凭课程(DIEM) ???????? 键康的管理和促进专业(DEMP) ???????...
- 1.
And as we began working on the DS, we also wanted to add in these ideas of coincidental linking, so that while you have the DS or while you're playing, it will link up with other DSes, perhaps without you knowing. ENGADGET: The Engadget & Joystiq Interview: Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto