释义 |
- abbr.(意)从记号处开始重复(dal segno, 等于 from the sign);科学博士(Doctor of Science)
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D.s. But having to pay for the longer Ph. D. programs could also reduce the number of students EPSRC can train. 但是必须为更长时间的博士训练项目买单也可能会使EPSRC能够训练的博士生数目下降。 - 2
Ritter, D.S., “The Cross-selling Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Cross-Selling your Bank’s Products &Services”, Probus, 1994 《交叉销售工具包:贵行产品与服务的交叉营销完全指南》, 普罗伯斯出版社, 1994 - 3
Ritter, D.S., “The Cross-selling Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Cross-Selling your Bank’s Products & Services”, Probus, 1994 《交叉销售工具包:贵行产品与服务的交叉营销完全指南》, 普罗伯斯出版社, 1994