释义 |
1 ?遁世 ... for (all) the world like 完全象, 活象 forsake the world 遁世, 成为隐士; 出家 retire from the world 遁世, 成为隐士; 出家 ...
- 1
He wanted to forsake the world and its pleasure. - 2
He was not one of those saints who are marked out by their phenomenal piety from childhood onwards, nor one of the other kind who forsake the world after sensational debaucheries. 他不是那种从童年开始就以其非凡的虔诚而受选的圣人,也不是那种历尽奢华后脱离红尘的圣人。 - 3
Well then, said I, if god does not forsake me, of what ill consequence Can it be, or what matters it, though the world should all forsake me. 好啊,“我说,”只要上帝不丢弃我,那么,即使世人丢弃我,那又有什么害处,又有什么关系呢。