... exhaust-gas-recirculation valve 排气再循环阀 flue gas recirculation烟气循环 ; 烟气再循环 exhaust gas recirculation controller 排气循环控制器 ...
... exhaust-gas-recirculation valve 排气再循环阀 flue gas recirculation 烟气循环 ; 烟气再循环 exhaust gas recirculation controller 排气循环控制器 ...
...这种燃烧改善技术有低NOx燃烧器(LNB),空气分级燃尽风(Over Fire Air)、再燃技术(Reburn)及烟气再循环(Flue Gas Recirculation)等 在规划新建大型燃煤机组时,应一次设计到位考虑设置低NOx燃烧器 对改造锅炉,实施低NOx燃烧器和现有的燃烧系统炉膛结构影响不...
Ultrafine pulverized-coal contained in the tertiary air was used as the reburning fuel and the oxygen level of the tertiary air was reduced with the use of fluegasrecirculation(FGR).