释义 |
face-based representation face-based表示 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?面为基的表示法 ... 面对面定时 face time 面为基的表示法 face-based representation 面对面 face-to-face ...
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In this dissertation, a new face representation algorithm based on weighted DCT fusing global facial feature and local facial feature is proposed. 本文基于DCT变换,给出了一种融合人脸整体特征和局部特征的加权DCT人脸表征算法。 - 2
The relevant techniques, including polygonal representation for surface, deformation from a general face model to a specific model, spring mesh, muscle based animation... 详细阐述在系统实现过程中应用到的人脸几何表示、一般人脸变化到特定人脸、弹性网格、肌肉模型、全视角贴图、表情提取等技术。 - 3
The relevant techniques, including polygonal representation for surface, deformation from a general face model to a specific model, spring mesh, muscle based animation model, … 详细阐述在系统实现过程中应用到的人脸几何表示、一般人脸变化到特定人脸、弹性网格、肌肉模型、全视角贴图、表情提取等技术。