... 镶嵌金属腰带 studded belt 棉布腰带fabric belt 很细的只有拇指宽的腰带 没有特别的名称 一般就叫 fashion belt ...
...tripe对比在turkich sea: comb:2straicht百科莱蒂里邦E polsini peacoat:颜色对比与带区在白contast颜色 fabric belt ? 布带 If we cleaned out all the borrowed words,less than half of modern Chinese would be left ? 如果我们清理出借来的所有单词,...
The car seat features include a washable and removable padded fabric pad, and a 5 point harness safety belt.
This paper discusses fabric structure and new weaving technology of solid carcass belt. The excellences of new weaving technology of solid carcass belt is introduced.
The paper relates investigation and development of building waterproof material , vegetable belt of binding composite method and automobile decoration material for regenerated fibre nonwoven fabric.