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历史学 费边社会主义 Thesethree factors formed the direct inducement that caused the socialistideological trend to rise at the beginning of 1930s. The strong contrast ofthe prosperity and stagnancy had produced deep touching to thinkers' soul:the majority free intellectuals expressed the favorable impression to thesocialism,even desiring, the socialism thought upsurge had emerged. thecircles of thinkers had formed different socialism schools, there were thefree socialism, national socialism, the Fabian socialism, Datong socialism,radical socialism and livelihood of the people socialism,and so on. 兴衰的强烈反差对思想者的心灵产生了深刻的触动:大多数自由知识分子对社会主义表达了好感,乃至诉求,社会主义思想热潮兴起。 因思想内容不同,30年代初思想界这股社会主义思潮可以分为自由社会主义、国家社会主义、费边社会主义、大同社会主义、激进社会主义以及民生社会主义等流派。
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From Britain, the new immigrants brought Fabian socialism.