n. 费边主义 | adj. 费边式的;拖延时间的
n. 制造者;假造者
Seciphani(耶斯瑟尔·圣·塞西法尼),原姓Fabiani(法比亚尼),纯血统,意大利皇室贵族 身份:圣·塞西法尼家族继承人,如果年级允许的话,级长(不是很介意)
... 名字: Fabiani 姓: Gino 标签: Gino Fabiani ...
比安妮 ; 法比亚尼 ; 女鞋 ; 法壁尼先生
阿莱西娅·法比亚妮 ; 法比亚尼
Fabiani said Cheney delivered the speech immediately after completing a tour of the Mideast and Venezuela.
CNN: Dems blame Cheney for gasoline price surge
Speaking on the same programme, Ms Fabiani said the Scottish parliament's powers were limited.
BBC: 'Bedroom tax' call for action from Holyrood
Ms Fabiani said the draft plan aimed to encourage appreciation and use of the language.
BBC: Government sets out bilingual bid