释义 |
- 视距:指人眼在一次注视中能够看到的文本范围,通常用于阅读和视觉处理的研究。
1 ?眼距 ... eye roll sign 眼球滚动症 eye span 眼距 eyeball adjustment 眼球调节 ... 2 ?停留时的跨度 2)至于眼睛移动技巧(Eye Movement),则是通过训练来增加 我们 眼睛在纸上每次停留时的跨度(Eye Span), 即增加每次能看到的 单词数量,这样在阅读同 一段文字的时候,能够减少眼睛停留的次 数,从而达到提高阅读速度的目的。
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"How to read" is a simple yet profound issue, which is worth further studying from the Angle of a scientific use of eye span. “如何读”这一简单而又深奥的话题,值得我们从科学用眼的角度做进一步探讨。 - 2
As Karl Schwenke points out in his classic book in a Pig's Eye: 'Pigs are gregarious animals. Like children, they thrive on affection, enjoy toys, have a short attention span, and are easily bored.' 如卡尔什未文克在他的经典书《猪的眼睛》写的:“猪是群居动物,喜欢小孩,他们感情丰富,喜欢玩具,注意力较短,并且很容易对事情失去兴趣。” - 3
Built during a span from 1949 to 1984, the concrete sculpture garden includes eye-crossing palaces, temples and pagodas that are interlaced with pools and cascading waterfalls. 这座混凝土雕刻的花园在1949至1984年间建造并完工,包括大量宫殿、神殿和宝塔,都由水池和瀑布交织在一起,花园在墨西哥的希里特拉村(Xilitla)附近占据了80英亩的土地。