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糖的干燥 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 [食品]?砂糖干燥 ... 砂糖 granulated sugar 砂糖干燥 drying of sugar 砂糖干燥机 granulator ...
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The yield of dried fruit from a dehydrator is higher inasmuch as sugar is lost due to continued respiration of tissues during sun drying, and also due to fermentation. 脱水干燥器的干果产率相对较高,因为,晒干过程中不断的组织呼吸作用,以及酵解作用使水果中的糖分受到了损失。 - 2
This paper study on blanching, hardening, sugar-dipping, sugar-soaking and drying on the produce technology of small-tomato preserved fruit in order to confirm optimal technical condition. 以圣女果为原料,对其果脯加工中的烫漂、硬化、渗糖、浸糖和干燥等工艺条件进行研究,确定圣女果脯加工的最佳工艺条件。 - 3
In second, the silk drying melon seeds, add water 1 bowls decoction, boiled water add a small amount of brown sugar, red wine to warm. 第二,把丝瓜子烘干,加水1碗煎服,水开后加入少量红糖,冲黄酒温服。