释义 |
1 ?旱地 ...性文献数据库 -维普资讯 关键词: 旱地 大豆 垄沟周年覆膜 水肥效应 水分利用率 土壤理化性状[gap=945]Key words: Dry field, Soybean, Year-round furrow-film mulch, Moisture and manure effect, Water use e..
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The helicopter she was traveling in crashed into an open, dry field and burst info flames, killing three of the six passengers on board, including the pilot. 她乘坐的直升飞机坠落到一块空旷干燥的地面上并发生了爆炸燃烧,致使机上6名人员中的3人丧生,飞行员也在其中。 - 2
According to the computer model, this design could increase wind farm efficiency a hundredfold. The next step for the researchers is to do a field test, trying out these fish dynamics on dry land. 根据计算机模型得出的结果,这种设计可以让风力发电厂效率提高数百倍,下一步就是研究人员的现场测试,看“鱼儿”在陆地上的“游动”。 - 3
The birds fled; the wild creatures of field and forest came no more to drink; the brook was dry. 飞鸟逃去了;田间和林中的野兽也不再来取饮了;到了一天,溪水全然干涸了。