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biocontrol 英/ ba???k?n?tr??l / 美/ ?ba?o?k?n?tro?l / - 1
农业科学 生物防治 On this basis,the prospects of chitinase applications in biocontrol of plant disease were promised. 在此基础上,对几丁质酶在植物病害生物防治中的应用前景进行了展望。 防病 ) which were isolated in the laboratory, are a kind of biocontrol agents which can enhance the disease resistance of plant, increase the yield, improve the quality of crops, and advance the stress resistance of plant successfully. 是本研究室从植物体内分离的对多种作物有良好防病、促生、改善品质、提高抗逆性的有益内生芽孢杆菌。 生物控制 生物防除
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生物学 生物防治 On this basis,the prospects of chitinase applications in biocontrol of plant disease were promised. 在此基础上,对几丁质酶在植物病害生物防治中的应用前景进行了展望。 生物电控制 生物控制