释义 |
1 ?突然想起 ... flash out 勃然大怒 flash upon 突然想起 flesh and blood 血肉之躯,人 ... 2 ?闪现心头 ... flash up 勃然发怒 flash upon (思想、意念、回忆等)闪现心头, 掠过心头, 忽然想起 Adobe公司的动画技术 ...
- 1
At last, a sudden recollection seemed to flash upon him. - 2
Antimatter, first predicted by physicist Paul Dirac in 1931, has the opposite charge of normal matter and annihilates completely in a flash of energy upon interaction with normal matter. 反物质,首先是由保罗·狄拉克(Paul Dirac)于1931年所预先估计出来的,它有着与正常物质相反的电荷,可以在一瞬间内与正物质能量的相互作用而湮灭。 - 3
In analyzing the results of the tests, Ozer determined that the key to better Flash performance was dependent upon whether or not it could access hardware acceleration. 经过对测试结果进行分析之后,Ozer认为Flash表现取决于它能否使用硬件加速。