释义 |
1 ?闪粉 ... 夜光luminous(YM-G) 闪粉flash powder 蛇snake ...
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With the new weather effects, when it's windy outside, Blinding Powder and Flash Powder will lose their effect, and you will be unable to use Blind or Vanish. 随着新的天气效果的加入,在有风的室外情况下,致盲粉和闪光粉将失去作用,你将无法致盲或者消失。 - 2
Safety: High flash point, flammable, without explosivity. Foam, dry powder, dry ice, steam and water can be used for extinguishing fire. 安全性:闪点较高,可燃,爆炸性:无。着火时,用泡沫、干粉、干冰、蒸汽、水等灭火。 - 3
XSG rotating flash dryer is used for drying materials such as paste, cake shape material, powder, granule, etc. 旋转闪蒸干燥机是用来干燥膏糊状、滤饼状以及粉状等物料的新型干燥设备。