释义 |
- 闪点:指易燃可燃物质在空气中遇到火焰时能够自燃的最低温度。
- 爆发点:指某人或某物突然爆发或开始行动的点。
- 火药桶:指一个容易引发冲突或危险的局势或地方。
1 ?闪点 ... 二、在火灾危险环境内,电力、照明线路的绝缘导线和电缆的额定电压,不应低于线路的额定电压,且不低于500V。 闪点(flash-point) 引燃温度(ignition temperature) ... 2 ?解释闪点 附录一名词解释本规范用词?解释闪点(flash-point)?标准条件下能使液体释放出足够的蒸气而形成能发生闪燃的爆炸性气体混合物的液体最低温度。
- 1
It's true, I had heard that Gaza could be dangerous, in various ways, but had not anticipated that watching a football match on TV, or my allegiance for Arsenal, would be a flash-point. 我当然晓得加沙是个危险地带,但是没想到看个球或支持阿森纳也会如此。 - 2
I believe we're at the same flash point today. - 3
For example, a recent blog post by Adobe's platform evangelist Serge Jespers, comparing Flex and Silverlight, became the flash point for heated argument. 比如 Adobe平台传道士Serge Jespers最近就写了一篇博客文章比较Flex和Silverlight,并因此点燃了激烈的争论。