释义 |
闪卡读卡器 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?数码驱动器 ...以存储、读写、播放等为方向,以产品的功能、外观、造型为手段,致力于打造时尚数码精品,已形成数码驱动器(Flash Card Reader)
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There may be some truth to that. My son, who suffered the flash card assault, was by age 7 the family’s most voracious reader. 那可能有些是真的,我儿子,受卡片学习的打击,在7岁的时候成了家里求知欲最强的读者。 - 2
My son, who suffered the flash card assault, was by age 7 the family’s most voracious reader. 我7岁的儿子经历了疯狂背诵卡片式单词的过程后,变成了家里最狼吞虎咽的读书人。 - 3
F your photo is not online, click "Upload" and browse for the image on your computer's hard drive or connected device, such as a digital camera, USB card reader, or flash drive. 如果你的照片不是在线的,点击“上传”,然后从你的电脑硬盘或者连接设备如数码相机,读卡器以及闪存盘中浏览上传照片。