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腐蚀材料 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?蚀刻材料 ... etching mask ==> 蚀刻掩模,腐蚀掩膜 etching material ==> 蚀刻材料 etching method ==> 蚀刻法,箔腐蚀法,刻蚀法 ...
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For many years researchers have been trying to develop a synthetic material with the same light-scattering properties as an opal, by etching patterns into various materials. That approach has failed. 多年来研究者们一直致力于开发一种与猫眼石一样有散射特性的合成材料,他们在各种各样的材料中蚀刻图案,但是都无功而返。 - 2
The plasma is a high energy and high activity material, it has good etching effect for any organic material, which in recent years has also been referenced to the printed circuit board manufacturing. 由于等离子体是一种具有很高能量和极高活性的物质,它对于任何有机材料等都具有良好的蚀刻作用,因而在最近几年也被引用到印制电路板制造中来。 - 3
High energy heavy ions generate potential tracks on the face of insulated material, and a porous surface with gradient refractive index can be formed by etching the ion tracks. 高能重离子在绝缘材料表面产生的潜径迹经过蚀刻后形成一定形貌的核径迹孔,而密集的径迹孔表面相当于渐变折射率层。