鹰嘴豆芽素A 7-O-β-D-吡喃木糖苷的合成与抗缺氧活性研究 关键词: 鹰嘴豆芽素A;糖苷;相转移催化;抗缺氧活性[gap=955]Key words: biochanin A; glucoside; phase transfer catalysis; anti-hypoxia activity
Martin等 [ 7] 用 LC 方法分析了紫苜蓿 (Medicago sativa) 中的植物雌激素 ( Phytoestrogen) 、鸡豆黄素 (Biochanin A) 、拟雌内酯 (Coumestrol) 、大豆苷元、7 - 羟 - 4’ - 甲氧异黄酮 ( Fomononetin)和染料木素。
品介绍 中文名称:拜查林 英文名称:Biochanin A CAS号:491-80-5 中文别名:5,7-二羟基-4'-甲氧基异黄酮 分子式:C16H12O5 分子量:284.26 EINECS:207-744-7
...添加发芽的薏苡仁和裸麦而成的“大豆 胚芽茶”; 5、用芒柄黄花素(Formonetin)、大豆甙元(Daidzein)、鹰嘴豆素(Biochanin) {一海大学硕士学位论文 和染料木黄酮(Genistein)4种异黄酮以特定的比例混合而制成植物雌激素的食 品补充剂Rimostil(P一081)...
鹰嘴豆芽素A ; 拜查林 ; 鸡豆黄素
Baicalein and biochanin A also enhanced the anti-viral effects of zanamivir in cell cultures.
WSJ: Sleep's Surprising Effects on Hunger
Baicalein is used in traditional Chinese medicine and biochanin A is found in peanuts, chickpeas and other legumes.
Six of the 22 exhibited potent anti-viral properties and two baicalein and biochanin A were singled out for their performance.