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1 ?药源性疾病 (ADR监测管理试行办法 ,1999)药源性疾病(drug-induced diseases, DID):不仅包括药物正常用法用量情况下产生的不良反应,还包括由于超量、误服、错误应用以及不正常使用药物等情... 2 ?就成为药源性疾病 ...反应致使机体某个器官或局部组织产生功能性或器质性损害而出现一系列临床症状与体征时,就成为药源性疾病(drug-induced diseases, DID)。 3 ?和药源性疾病 ...医学外文文献 解除痛苦作用外,还具有对人体有害的药物不良反应(Adverse Drug Reaction,ADR)和药源性疾病(Drug-induced diseases,DID).
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Conclusion: promote drug monitoring and rational drug use of aged people, in order to reduce the drug adverse reaction and the occurrence of drug-induced diseases. 结论:加强用药监护,合理用药,以减少老年患者药物不良反应及药源性疾病的发生。 - 2
The abuse of antibiotics not only can induce adverse drug reactions and the occurrence of drug-induced diseases, but also result in drug resistance of pathogenic bacteria. 滥用抗生素不仅导致药品不良反应和药源性疾病的发生,更导致致病菌耐药性的产生。 - 3
Objective: To analyses the relations between status of drug induced diseases and some influencing factors.