释义 |
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Nanoparticles are already used in the cosmetics industry and are being developed for drug delivery, diagnostic imaging and tissue engineering, to name only a few applications. 纳米粒子已经用于化妆品行业,且正被开发用于药物递送,影像诊断和组织工程等领域,这里仅仅才列举了几例应用。 - 2
Life is full of helplessness. There are a variety of ways to obtain your expected beauty, like using cosmetics, facial operation and drug stimulations. 在我的理想中的女人朴实和善良是最美的,美不一定就是外表,想想我们的容颜能维持多久,人的一生很短暂你美丽的容颜只占了生命的五分只一,现实生活中搀杂了太多的无奈,化装品,手术整形,药物刺激还有无法想象的更多的方式去争取得到那个美,但却失去了纯真的美! - 3
It is widely used in drug, health products, food and cosmetics.