最近,脱口秀主持人詹姆斯·柯登搞了个叫“Drop the Mic”(扔掉麦克风)的新节目,他会在节目中与嘉宾进行说唱饶舌对战(Rap Battle)。
...和在《醉后大丈夫》系列饰演老周的喜剧演员郑肯(Ken Jeong)一同出席美国知名饶舌 Battle 节目 ──饶舌争霸战(Drop The Mic),两人同台用嘻哈互杠,这对天龙地虎的Battle组合又会给观众带来多少笑料呢?让我们一起来看看吧!
The term joins "throw shade", a verb which describes when someone publicly shows contempt, and "micdrop", the act of pretending to drop a microphone after speaking.
The term joins "throw shade", a verb which describes when someone publicly shows contempt, and micdrop, the act of pretending to drop a microphone after speaking.