释义 |
- 埃尔克山(美国落矶山南段的一部分。在科罗拉多州中西部,绵亘80公里(50哩))
1 ?麋鹿山 在风景如画的麋鹿山(Elk Mountains)中心,在一座以火炉供暖的舒适木屋内享用丰盛的午餐。雪地履带车上全天提供零食和饮料。
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A mountain, 4,350.8 m (4, 2 '5 ft) high, in the Elk Mountains of west-central Colorado. It is the highest elevation in the range. 位于科罗拉多中部偏西艾克山脉中的一座山,高4,350.8米(4,2 ' 5英尺),是这条山脉的最高峰。 - 2
Quaking aspens like these in the Elk Mountains of western Colorado, whose leaves tremble in the slightest wind, are common across North America. 生长在西科罗拉多州埃尔克山脉中的颤杨,其叶子会在微风中颤抖,在北美非常普遍。 - 3
Quaking aspens like these in the Elk Mountains of western Colorado, whose leaves tremble in the slightest wind, are common across North America. 秋天在美国图片。颤杨就像这样在科罗拉多州的埃尔克山西部,树叶在微风中颤抖这是普通横过北美洲。