释义 |
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I find the emphasis on quantity over quality often leads to frustration, boredom, and resentment-there's nothing worse than the mindless, rote tedium of feeling forced to play 90 minutes a day. 我发现强调量多于质的通常会带来挫败、厌倦及怨气——没有会比被迫每天90分钟作盲目、机械而单调的练习这感觉更差了。 - 2
But overall, compared with Chinese, Japanese food taste to light many, quantity is little also, accustomed to bowl of drinking large meat might well have underfed feeling. 但总的来说,与中餐相比,日本料理的口味要清淡的多,数量也少,习惯了大碗喝酒大块吃肉的人恐怕会有吃不饱的感觉。 - 3
Faith doesn't certainly originate from individual real feeling but from the external factor construction, especially depends on the quantity of information. 信仰并不是来源于个人的真实感受,而是来源于外在因素的建构,尤其是取决于所接受信息的多寡。