FpML: the main page of the FinancialproductsMarkupLanguage (FpML) offers many different resources (for example, tools, documentation).
FpML: Financial products Markup Language (FpML)的主页提供了很多不同的资源(例如工具和文档)。
FpML: the FinancialproductsMarkupLanguage (FpML) protocol is the XML format for electronic dealing and processing of Over the Counter derivatives.
FpML:金融产品标记语言(Financial products Markup Language, FpML)协议是用于Over The Counter衍生行业电子交易和处理的xml格式。
An industry bundle is typically created for one specific industry, such as an industry bundle for the FinancialproductsMarkupLanguage (FpML) or the IRS e-File 1120 format.
行业包通常是为一个特定的行业而创建的,例如用于金融产品标记语言(FpML)或IRS e - File 1120格式的行业包。