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1 ?附加表决权 部分音频技术名词英汉对照 - 电脑录音制作交流 -... ... stunt man 特技替身演员 extra, walker-on 临时演员 character actor 性格演员 ...
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Shareholders of longer tenure could get extra voting rights, say, or new ones could be barred from voting for a spell. 持有时间较长的股东就能得到更多投票权、发言权,或是新股东将有一阵子无法行使投票权。 - 2
Admittedly, France's feeble safeguards for minority shareholders may be partly responsible for this result-but at the very least that suggests that extra voting rights are no cure-all. 不可否认地是法国不能很有效率地保护弱势股东可能是导致该结果的部分原因,但至少这也暗指额外的投票权并非解决问题的万灵丹。 - 3
Those unwilling to become bank-holding companies, with the extra regulation that entails, have to make do with a maximum stake of 33% (and voting rights of less than half that). 那些不愿意成为持股银行的公司(为此将接受额外的监管)将最多只能得到33%的股权(且投票权则不能超过股权的一半)。