... EV : Exhaust Valve 排气门 : Extra Variable 附加变数 EV : Escape Velocity n. 逃逸速度 ...
汉英翻译辞典中国文学部分_天涯博客_有见识的人都在... ... 【衬托】to make...stand out in high relief 【衬字】extra word inserted in a line of verse for balance or euphony 【《赤壁赋》】Song of the Red Cliff ...
The extravariable is to avoid duplication and turns out to pay off in another way in the next step.
Add an extravariable and two methods to the root bean in your data source, as Listing 8 shows. You can see these changes in the Root.java
在您的数据源中添加一个额外的变量和两中方法到您的根 bean 中,如 列表 8 所示。
Hence, the compiler cannot cache the value of a global variable in a register, resulting in extra (often unnecessary) loads and stores when globals are used.