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1 ?吊灯 ... 掉牌继电器,跌落指示器,继电器,报警器 drop indicator relay 吊灯 drop light 频率下降 drop of frequency ... 2 ?火种灯 火种灯(Drop Light) 人类通过钻木取火获得了最为原始的取暖和照明功能,这 新鲜科技 (409) 木有分类 (85) 爱数码儿 (469) 玩意儿 (751) 生活家hawap... 3 ?奶滴灯 毫无疑问,奶滴灯(Drop Light)能给我们带来一些 毫无疑问,奶滴灯(DropLight)能给我们带来一些关于灯的全新认识。 4 ?可组合灯 可组合灯(Drop Light)_janey_新浪博客,janey,灯,照明,家居...
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If winter comes, the leaves on the trees drop light, the north wind whistling, the earth a depression spectacle. 冬天来了,树上的叶子掉光了,北风呼啸着;大地一片萧条的景象。 - 2
Fortunately, of all hair "hair grows eventually period" won 't begin at the same time, otherwise the hair can drop light very quickly. 幸运的是,所有的毛发的“毛发生长终期”不会同时开始,否则头发很快就会掉光。 - 3
In reindeer, even if they're missing a circadian clock, melatonin levels still spike when it's dark and drop when it's light, making the equinoxes an ideal time to synchronize their annual clocks. 而驯鹿呢,虽然它们没有昼夜节律钟,其褪黑激素水平仍然会在黑暗的时候上升,光亮的时候下降,从而使它们的昼夜分点达到理想状态,进而与年生物钟同步。