...【欧洲时报周文仪编译】埃松省(Essonne)连续杀人凶手尤尼·帕尔米埃(Yoni PALMIER),14日在上诉法庭上首次承认他杀害了几桩案件中的4名被害人。
... 伊夫林 Yvelines 艾松 Essonne 上塞纳 Hauts-de-Seine ...
它位于艾松(Essonne)省的圣谢宏(Saint Chéron),这个位置先前被一个古老的城堡占据,至今还保留了古堡的一个圆形塔楼,被用作鸽笼。
They were arrested in the Val d'Oise region north of Paris and the Essonne region to the south.
CNN: Bin Laden wanted
The fourth victim, a 47-year-old woman, was shot in the head Thursday in Essonne, a few miles south of the capital, officials said.
CNN: France serial killer fears grow after 4 shootings