释义 |
1 ?以利雅敬 他有三个儿子,按长序分别是以利雅敬(Eliakim)、约哈斯 ( Jehoahaz)和玛探雅(Mattaniah),但是这三个儿子都不效法其父约西亚对耶和华 2 ?以利亚敬 犹大代表回应: “希勒家 (Hilkiah)的儿子以利亚敬(Eliakim)和舍伯那(Shebna)并约亚(Joah),对拉伯沙基(Rab-shakeh)说:‘求你用亚兰言语(the Syrian language)和仆人说话,因为我们...
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30the son of Levi, the son of Simeon, the son of Judah, the son of Joseph, the son of Jonam, the son of eliakim. 利未是西缅的儿子,西缅是犹大的儿子,犹大是约瑟的儿子,约瑟是约南的儿子,约南是以利亚敬的儿子。 - 2
Then Eliakim son of Hilkiah, and Shebna and Joah said to the field commander, 'Please speak to your servants in Aramaic, since we understand it. 希勒家的儿子以利亚敬和舍伯那,并约亚,对拉伯沙基说,求你用亚兰言语和仆人说话,因为我们懂得。 - 3
And he made Eliakim his brother king in his stead, over Juda and Jerusalem: and he turned his name to Joakim: but he took Joachaz with him, and carried him away into Egypt. 以后,埃及王立了他的兄弟厄里·雅金为犹大和耶路撒冷王,给他改名叫约雅金;乃苛将他的兄弟约阿哈次带到埃及去了。