释义 |
- 电梯和自动扶梯:电梯是一种垂直运输设备,用于在建筑物内上下运输人员或物品。自动扶梯是一种斜向运输设备,用于在建筑物内上下运输人员。
1 ?电梯和升降机 电梯和升降机(Elevators and Escalators). 木星(Jupiter). 2 ?电梯与扶梯 ... 起重机Cranes and Hoists 电梯与扶梯Elevators and Escalators 空冷风机水泵水处理HVACR, Water and Waste Water ...
- 1
Design, Manufacturing, Sales, Installing and Maintenance Service of Elevators and Escalators. - 2
Design, Manufacturing, Sales, Installation and Maintenance Services of Elevators and Escalators. - 3
As far as 2008, nearly 30,000 Xizi Otis elevators and escalators have been provided to worldwide, covering more than 40 countries. 2008年有近30000台电梯及自动扶梯销售订单,产品覆盖全球40多个国家。