释义 |
1 ?产状要素 ? 1.2 产状要素(elements of attitude): ? 走向(strike):岩层(stratum or bed)层面 (superface and subface)与水平面交线的延伸 方向。 2 ?产状三要素 水平岩层 (horizontal stratum)倾斜岩层 (tilted stratum)产状三要素 (elements of attitude)走向 (strike),岩层面和任一假想水平面交线的延伸方向。倾向 (dip),岩层的倾斜方向。
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This technology can not only obtain conventional core information, but also elements of attitude of formation and fractures (dip Angle). 岩心定向取心技术不仅能获得常规岩心资料,还能获得地层和裂缝的产状要素(倾角、倾向)。 - 2
Experts say only about 15 percent of happiness comes from income, assets and other financial factors. As much as 90 percent comes from elements such as attitude, life control and relationships. 专家们认为,大约只有15%的幸福感来自于收入、财产和其他的经济因素,而90%则来自于态度、支配生活的能力和人际关系等。 - 3
So hip hop rap just a kind of culture - with other elements, dance, clothing, life attitude to constitute a complete hip hop - text. 因此说唱只是hip - hop文化中的一种元素,要加上其它舞蹈、服饰、生活态度等才构成完整的hip - hop文化。