...荷粒子在矽金中的度(原子/公分3) z :荷粒子的子(或洞) e :每子的荷量,1.6 ×10-19( 原子) m :漂移速率(Drift Mobility),子(或洞)的漂移速率 1500(450)(公分2/伏特秒) 因此,一根晶棒在向A及B位置的阻若rA及rB,此晶 棒的有效偏析可算(公式(3-9...
The length of the mobility tube and the electric field intensity have been adjusted to optimum, and the relationship between the drift signal and the sample concentration has been studied.
Ion gate is one of the important parts in an ion mobility spectrometer. The main function of the ion gate is to control the ions to fly into the drift tube in pulse mode.
The improvements are attributed by the large increase in average electron mobility as well as in drift velocity at 77 K.