释义 |
1 ?循环依赖 ...,继承关系不合理,或者说,在后续的变动中,你可能会扩展开一些模块,这些模块之间出现了相互引用-循环依赖(cycle dependency)的情况,举个例子,如果现在的系统由如下:这种情况下K,和M的相互依赖是一开始在模块规划时未曾考虑到的。
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It perpetuates the vicious cycle of under-achievement, benefit dependency, ill health, lack of aspiration, poor parenting and child poverty that blights so many areas of Britain. 贫穷构成了一个碌碌无为、依赖他人、体弱多病、缺乏目标、没有家教和幼年贫困的恶性循环并影响着英国很多地区。批判性的思维基本不起作用。 - 2
Thus, even if a cycle is encountered, or if there are dependency conflicts, every module will be able to get a version of its dependency that it can use. 因此即便存在循环依赖或依赖冲突,每个模块还是可以获得他所依赖的包的一个可用版本。 - 3
The IOC container section is associated with specific business domain, mainly used to complete components instantiation, management of life cycle and maintain the dependency of them. IOC容器部分与具体业务领域相关,主要用于流程构件的实例化,生命周期的管理以及维护它们之间的依赖关系。