DE la Torre said the region has witnessed large declines in stock price indices and significant currency adjustments.
De la Torre说,该地区的股票价格指数已经大幅度下跌,货币也经历了重大调整。
Banco DE Sabadell SA climbed 3 percent to 3.66 euros as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. removed the stock from its "conviction sell" list, leaving a "sell" recommendation on the stock.
萨瓦德尔银行(Banco de Sabadell)股价上涨3%,至3.66欧元,高盛集团把该银行从强烈卖出名单中移除,把萨瓦德尔银行股票评级上调为买入。
In this case the central bank - by increasing excess reserves - would DE facto monetize commercial bank liabilities and thus increase the outstanding stock of money.